It’s World Book Day!

By | 4 March 2021

Today is World Book Day and this year’s theme is ‘share a story’.

World Book Day is one of the highlights of the National Literacy Trust and exposes children to the celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading.

Reading for pleasure is at the heart of World Book Day. We know that making every day a book day can have significant impacts on children and young people’s wellbeing and it is important to encourage children to read for pleasure during these very turbulent times.

While this year may be slightly different due to lockdown, please encourage children to share a story with the people they live with or by getting grandparents or other family members to read stories to them over video chat. Here are some other ideas for families to consider; set aside a family reading time when everyone at home all read their own books or magazines; build a cosy reading den with cushions in a corner, or a sheet draped over chairs to make a tent; read a story or chapter and then act it out together.

We hope you enjoy World Book Day 2021!